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Banteay Meanchey Province of Cambodia-Tourism

Banteay Meanchey is a province of Cambodia located in the far northwest. Its borders the province of Oddar Meanchey and Seim Reap to the east, Battdambang to the south, and sharea an international border with Thailand to the west. The total land area of the province is 6679 km2. The province contains 634 villages organized by 64 communes 7 districts and 2 cities.
There 13 tourism sites are:
          - Ang Trapeang Thmor                         - Banteay Chhmar temple  
          - Banteay Neang                                   - Banteay Torp  
          - Cheung Krouh                                    - Kang Va Basin
          - Laang Phnom Touch                          - Phnom Bak and Phnom Chenh Chaing
          - Phnom Chuncheang                           - Phnom Svay
          - Sculpture Handicraft                          - Tra Peang Thmar
          - Weaving handicraft
The symbol of Banteay Meanchey Province 
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